I know where I want to go, but I'm not sure what I want to study.
Explore occupation and career planning resources.
Career Development Experience Toolkit
Go to the college/university transfer site for a list of majors, transfer partnerships, admission requirements, dates & deadlines and other important information.
Select an IAI participating school for maximum transferability and applicability.
Complete IAI General Education Core Curriculum.

I know what I want to study, but I'm not sure where I want to go.
Select an IAI participating school for maximum transferability and applicability.
Complete IAI General Education Core Curriculum at the community college.
Review IAI major recommendations for typical freshman & sophomore classes.
View IBHE's searchable database of programs/majors offered by IL institutions. Use the filter options to narrow your search.

I don't know what I want to study OR where I want to go.
Explore community college services: interest/aptitude tests, student organizations, career counseling, placement testing, academic advising.
Enroll in an AA or AS curriculum until academic goals are determined:
+ Coursework is broadly transferrable
+ IAI courses are included
+ Can try out a variety of subjects
+ Will be on-track to complete a degree

I know what I want to study AND I know where I want to go!
Go to the college/university transfer site for information on transfer partnerships, admission requirements, dates & deadlines, and other important information.